Commercial Services
Flourish Horticulture is New Orleans’ only landscape construction and maintenance company that provides commercial clients evidence-based solutions starting from the ground up, with a strong focus on soil health. Flourish Horticulture provides significant value engineering to commercial property owners and prime contractors with a holistic approach to landscape construction and maintenance in the form of reduced noise/air pollution, affordable costs, and ecologically regenerative processes. We are driven by our core objectives to measure how space design, plant selection, garden, and mower practices can reduce greenhouse gasses, lower ambient temperatures near buildings, improve our water quality, and capture stormwater to reduce flooding and maximize a property’s value. We believe that over time, an investment in sustainable property will save time and money.
Lawn and Garden Property Management
We offer Property Management services for:
~Commercial Buildings ~Corporate Offices
~Retirement Communities ~Homeowner Assoc.
~Housing Units ~Apartments
Our Property Management program consists of four measurable components.
First, we focus on approaches such as removing weeds, cutting grass, and aerating soil in a manner that helps repair soil. Improved soil health reduces flooding by creating channels in soils and organic matter to encourage deep root penetration, allowing plants to soak up more rainwater.
Second, we use battery powered equipment. Important work goes on inside office buildings and schools, work that should not be disturbed by noisy and odorous equipment. Flourish Horticulture intentionally uses battery powered equipment to reduce noise pollution and eliminate nauseous carbon fumes, creating a quiet and clean air atmosphere around buildings and homes.
Third, we bag all grass clippings and vacuum up grass debris along curbs and parking areas. Removal of clippings keeps pollutants such as nitrogen and phosphorus out of our water system.
Finally, we remove brush and debris left by storms from overgrown lots and roadways. This process keeps our streets clean and safe and removes obstructions for drivers.
Drainage Solutions
Flourish Horticulture uses a variety of strategies to provide drainage solutions to clients, including green roofs, grading of surfaces, installation of permeable surface, and removal of concrete or asphalt. Our approach involves working to uncompact soils and capture stormwater, allowing for measurable improvements to drainage on a client’s property. In using these techniques, Flourish Horticulture can help property owners lower energy costs, reduce stormwater flooding, and improve a site’s value through aesthetically striking landscapes.
NC561730-Landscape services
NC221310-Water Supply and Irrigation Systems
702-Manholes, Junction Boxes, Catch Basins, and End Treatments
718-Fertilizer and Agriculture Lime
720-Erosion Control Systems
726-Bedding Materials
741-Water Distribution Systems
B32-Maintenance and Mowing
Landscape Contractor License No. 4436
Current & Past Commercial Jobs
Bi-weekly maintenance of Infinity Engineer Office Bldg.
Bi-weekly Maintenance of St. Anna Episcopal Church
Bi-weekly Maintenance of Ozone Park Apt. Complex
Built Algiers community marketplace
Built Annunciation Episcopal Church parking area
Subcontracted with Urban Conservancy on building rain garden in the Hoffman Triangle
Provided sod and aggregate upgrades for 10
Lower 9 houses belonging to Neville Development Group
Safety Protocol
Protecting our people is a core value of Flourish Horticulture and Landscapes, which means that our first and foremost priority is keeping our team safe. Our safety management directly follows the OSHA and EPA protocols specific to our industry. Our commitment to safety is carried out by investing in our people through training, continual improvement, equipment maintenance, and a laser focus on risk mitigation. Our robust safety program provides all workers with job safety analysis, quarterly safety video training, hazard hunts, and practical procedures for risk mitigation.